Exploring Munchkins


Last week in Daisies was lots of fun!

Daisies have been celebrating lots of 1st birthdays, so the children have been dancing to music and playing with balloons! The babies loved them-waving them around and chasing after them!

The children have also been messy as always, enjoying shredded paper play and flour play. The babies enjoyed playing with the dinosaurs in the flour, making marks with them and practising their roaring.

Daisies ended the week with a play in the big garden, and a trip to the quay! The babies loved being outside, and got really excited when they went on their walk! They were kicking their legs in the pushchairs, pointing at the swans and babbling away!

The children have also had some activities where they can use their concentration skills. The older babies really enjoyed playing with the puzzles, trying to fit the pieces into the correct spaces.

Hope you had a lovely weekend!


The Dragonflies were been super busy last week!

The children started their week with the big tuff tray full of sand. They all wanted to take their shoes and socks off to feel the sand on their feet. There were also a few animals hidden in the sand. The children were very good at digging them out.

Dragonflies have had lots different activities going on. There was a table full of sticking which the children couldn't get enough of. Some children loved sticking the paint brush into the glitter and watching it sparkle!

Some of the older Dragonflies played a fun game where they tried matching toys with the correct colour. One little girl was able to find most of the colours and could say a few too!

Another favourite was the big ball. The children loved passing it back and forth to the adults. This is good for their gross motor stills, and you could follow this on at home with a ball, passing it back and forth.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!


What a lovely week the Incy Wincy Spiders have had!

They started the week off by joining Busy Bees. This was a lot of fun as the younger children got a chance to spend some time with the older children, which helped to introduce them to new faces and also give them a chance to babble and introduce them to new language. Introducing them to language at home can be found through simple songs, stories and conservation.

Tuesday the children had some fun at monkey music. They were a lot more involved this week, joining in with all the actions and even singing some of the songs. You could do this at home, bring it some pots and pans and introduce them to the different sounds they can create using different apparatus.

As the week went on the children enjoyed a trip to the library! This was so much fun because the children got to explore a new environment and build their confidence to be around people they don't know. The Incy Wincys also got a chance to play in the tunnels. One little boy enjoyed playing peekaboo with an older friend he had made. Taking trips is an amazing way to introduce your children to the world around them, talk about the things you can see, animals and the noises they make. On the way to the library the children stopped to look at the Christmas tree and talk about the different colours and shakes they could see.

As the week came to an end everyone, children and adults enjoyed coming to nursery in their pyjamas or spots for BBC Children in Need! This was so much fun and so comfy! The children enjoyed doing painting of different kinds to create their own spots.

Have a lovely weekend!


Last week Busy Bees had a very busy week.

There was a lot of rain this week so the children had great fun outside, jumping in the big muddy puddles, adding lots of different things to them, such as bubbles and even paint!

The children helped to make soup with Paul! They decided on a winter soup, and some of the children went to the local greengrocers to get the ingredients to make the soup. The children also learnt about being careful cutting the food and being careful when it is cooking as it is very hot when cooking on the stove!

One afternoon, some of the Busy Bee children joined with Incy Wincy Spiders and went to the library. It was lots of fun seeing everything around us on the way over. The children enjoyed looking at the books and played with the toys there. They then had a picnic tea in the cafe before making their journey back to the nursery.

Busy Bees also got very messy this week as always! The children made some gloop which was loads of fun making shapes with their fingers. It was lots of fun but VERY messy. Busy Bees also had a go at making some slime! The children helped to measure out the ingredients that they needed, mixing them and combining them together. Once it was made, the children then talked about how it felt and how sticky it was to their fingers!

Have a lovely week!


Last week Ladybirds have been all about exploring!

At the start of the week, the children explored some shaving foam with paint in it. They used small sticks to see what marks they could make and what would happen when they mixed the paint and the foam together. The children had great fun looking at the colours combining.

Ladybirds then went on to explore some water beads. The children enjoyed using their hands to pick up some fistfuls of the beads, exploring the different texture and how slimy they were compared to other things! One of the children told us "they feel alright" - she also told us she had two!

Ladybirds have enjoyed playing with our younger friends in Incy Wincy Spiders too. The children explored the musical instruments together and the Ladybirds even showed the younger ones how to use them! They were very caring and helped look after their younger friends, holding their hands and helping them when needed.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.


Preschool rounded off last week sporting their best night wear and spots to raise money for Children in Need. The children have spent two days baking. They made some delicious animal shortbread to sell. The children had to really use their muscles to mash and soften the butter. There was also a lot of chatting and thoughts about how to keeps the germs out of the dough mixture (very important!).

The children have been fascinated with planets and evolution. Preschool have shared books and learnt lots of interesting facts. Daisy created a planet facts matching pairs game. The children have had to really concentrate and wait for their turns. They used moon rocks to practise their counting skills. It was just as well Preschool had lots because some of the children could count really far! Preschool also matched the correct numeral to the corresponding number of moon rocks.

The children noticed dinosaur foot prints in a book and wanted to know who it belonged to. We dipped dinosaurs in paint to see what prints they made and also stamped them in clay, comparing and talking about the different shape and size of each print.

Hope you had a great weekend!

Last week the children have been getting out and about on some trips, and getting creative and messy with exploring new textures.
